Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Unfortunately! You Only Live Once

So after a long hiatus... I'm back here again. Please blame it on my day job and the one-million events I have to be at this season #ExaggeratingOfCourse :D

Today's post is inspired by a picture I saw on Google+ ... A GOLD VENDING MACHINE!!!
This gold vending machine was located at the Abu Dhabi’s Emirates Palace hotel. This ATM machine dispenses 10-gram 24K bars of solid gold instead of cash. You can buy a 2.5, 5 or 10 gram gold bar for $193, $343 and $638 respectively.

Now this very picture reminds me of so many things! And yes, Money is involved.

By God's grace, I come from a family of 5 and I can say we are 'OK' financially. The kind of live I have lived so far has afforded me the rare privilege of being able to mix in any crowd ... high, low or middle class crowd, I will blend in well enough.

But really, I have come across people who are LOADED financially and when I hear of the way people spend money... I just find it impossible to understand how such people think.

For instance, A LOT of people buy tables at the big entertainment concerts and these tables go for nothing less than 500k (if it's a big event). When I hear of these things, I'm like ... where does this person work? How on Earth would one pay 1million naira for one table (sitting 10) at an event that would last for an average of 5 hours.

Often times, I remind myself that that is a narrow-minded way of thinking! Yes I agree. However, I ask myself how many mouths these 'rich' people have fed? How many homeless kids have they sponsored to school? With the level of deprivation, poverty and obvious lack we experience in this nation... someone can spend 1 million naira on a table when that same amount can save the lives of many individuals dying in general hospitals across the country...

Please note that I am not saying people shouldn't spend their (hopefully) hard-earned money ooo! And I am not saying the rich should wear rags just because of the poor ... but if you are 'that' rich.... would you spend money in a similar way?

I really would appreciate your thoughts on this...

PS: Season's greetings :)

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

My Eyes Have Seen

Here are a few pictures that got me cracking up this week...
 Let me know your favourite.. lol!

December Is Here ---> Let 'CRAZY' Begin

December is the craziest month of the Lagos year... Ohluwamayowa says so!

Lagos, home to millions of Nigerians and foreigners, the smallest state in the country known by some as 'No Man's Land'... for some urban folks like yours truly---> (moi), we call it Lasgidi!!!

Trust me when I say this place is crazy on any other day when it's December, it becomes really CRAZY! The situation IS expectedly critical for both motorists and pedestrians. I pity folks who work on the Island and live on the mainland... Jehovah is your muscle.

EVERYONE seems to be in a rush of some sorts. Company executives buzzing clients and potential clients on the phone calls and with emails; trying to meet their 'castle in the skies' targets. Mothers trying to play Santa for their kids; their every wish must come true... husbands increasing the tempo of the hustle so that they can deliver (Owo Odun - Money for festivities) as usual. Young entrepreneurs tryign to make quick gains... boutiques giving discounts just so they can clear their stock.

Entertainment companies are not left out! It's either this beach party jam or that Christmas jamboree... Radio and TV sets showing the same adverts repeatedly (like they have a choice, they have collected huge sums already na). Church programmes here, there... everywhere.

In as much as the December rush is around... I must confess, it makes Lagos all the more err.. well-  LAGOS.

Imagine Lagos without traffic (shout out to GidiTraffic), Lagos without thousands of sweaty pedestrians, okadas, danfo buses with their reckless drivers; abnormal conductors and of course, the famous Agbero boys...

Imagine Lagos without my Igbo brothers jamming 'Akanchawa' on the streets, Lagos without the many petty marketers trying to sell this or that, imagine Lagos without dogs, chickens and goats straying freely... Just Imagine!

Lagos without the 'crazy' won't be Lagos at all!

PS: Show your love to Lagos, tweet this:   
 Lagos without the 'crazy' won't be Lagos at all! cc: @Ohluwamayowa #CrazyLove4Lagos

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Groaners Vs. Munchers... Whose Side Are You On?

As the year draws to a close, I often find myself reflecting on the major events of the year and I do not know about you but this year has been rough and tough for me.

Now when I say 'rough and tough' I do not mean that there was not one single good that came out of it. No, that's not what I'm saying at all but the truth is I cannot remember any other year in which I experienced really trying times such as 2012. What makes it even worse is that the end of the year is more difficult than it started out.

Not suprisingly, a good number of people around me share the same story especially when we talk about FINANCE. More than ever before I understand and appreciate what it means to be a parent who cares for his or her children materially. It isn't easy!

Fending for myself alone is not beans and I can imagine what it is to feed, clothe and cater for the financial needs of a few other people. I doff my 'virtual' cap to all parents!

Inspite of all the 'toughness' that I see all around me, there seems to be another part of my mind saying 'things are not as bad as they look' and I'm wondering is this true?

Today, I was out with a good friend of mine who took me to Ikeja Mall to relax and catch up after church hours and it took us about 10-15minutes from the entrance until we finally found a parking space. THE PLACE WAS FULL!

Cars and human beings everywhere and I am left wondering, do people who are 'managing' come to Ikeja Mall on a Sunday like this just to watch other people spend money? I think not!

I have heard some say, more than a few times, that there is money in this country and YES I agree. There is!

My question now is, where are the people groaning and moaning about the economy of this nation and how it has not favoured them and on another hand, where are the people spending Sunday afternoons at hot spots... pizzaing, ice-creaming, kfc-ing away.

Are these two categories of people one and the same? Or do I just 'somehow' meet the groaning side on weekdays and the 'munching' side on weekends???

Please, tell me your version of this matter and also tell how the year has been for you...

Friday, 7 December 2012

Family Traditions, got em?

Hi there,

This article you are about to read may be a tinny winny bit surprising! Like duhhh, I'm like really young or maybe... relatively young sha but young all the same - so some might be wondering where this type of article is coming from. However, blame it on the mind!

Remember what i said in my opening post; I document my thoughts, dreams etc. so here's an article I feel strongly about. Nigerian families need to incorporate more tradit... OK, let me spill the beans before I spill the beans.

As a young, unmarried and hopeless romantic; I cannot but continue in my quest to discover the ‘happily ever after’ world. I want Life to be a red of ever-scenting roses that become fresher than they were the day before.

No, I’m not talking about M-for-Marriage, at least not today. I’m talking about F-for-Family and T-for-Tradition. Most especially the T!

TRADITION! Oh that word is everywhere! Yes I agree…

It’s in the society, religious groups, corporate societies… everywhere! Some people even loathe the word and all it stands for because over time it has (in some cases) hindered liberty, flexibility and most often than not, creativity.

But today is not the day to talk about those traditions the world can definitely do without! Let’s talk about traditions we need to encourage; family traditions!

In my few days on Earth, mostly spent in Nigeria… I have seen and heard of so many family issues. All sorts of anomalies ripping the average home apart.  If it’s not Daddy Vs. Mummy, it’s probably a Parent Vs. A child or Child Vs. Child. There’s always one issue or the other. So much unhappiness and strife going on and I just keep wondering why.  Where is the love?

Now let’s consider something I thought about… How is it possible that some folks would insist on marrying people from their ethnic group? How come lots of people cozy up to people who attend or move in the same religious circles as they do? Or have you never been extra nice to a stranger just because you found out they are members of your church?

All the answers I can think of in response to these questions are wrapped up in the word traditions. Those events, ideas, beliefs, mannerisms etc. peculiar to a group of people irrespective of the geographical location of its members. Tradition(s) in my own words!

So if traditions create such a bond that transcends time and place, wouldn’t you agree with me that parents should start taking advantage of this time-defying reality? I think it’s time we use what we have (or can have) to get what we want. Happily Ever After!

Most Nigerian families do not have their own customized traditions. Many a times, you only find couples having their own traditions and they forget to re-create such for their family as a whole.

If those things (activities) you do with your spouse help to keep the sparks flying for years on end, then your family needs traditions that would keep it together come rain or shine.

You need to find those activities, mannerisms, beliefs, actions that would form the bedrock of your family’s foundation and help create a bond that cannot be broken by misunderstanding, sibling rivalry, societal pressures… and whatever evil thing that separates people.

Wondering how you would get this thing started? Trust me, you don’t need to call a family meeting over it because building family traditions lies in the simple things you do … regularly. For some people it is eating dinner together!

In my family, I have observed that whenever anyone of us attains a major milestone, we all gather to celebrate one way or the other.  We have ice-cream on our birthdays! Once upon a time, we ate pounded-yam every Sunday! We have family devotions everyday including Sunday *rolling my eyes*! We always fellowship together on New Year’s Eve!

I know a family that hosts Christmas parties for friends and family every year. At trip to the public places in town shows that lots of families hang-out after church every Sunday and so on…

However, it is usually easier to maintain a family tradition when the kids are younger and have to go wherever mummy and daddy go, literally; but there is a need to establish traditions that are of high sentimental value so that as the kids grow older and become more independent; they would appreciate such traditions and carry them on.

Tradition creates bonds and memories.






A Blog At Last - Let's get it STARTED!!!

So after months and months of battling, ignoring but slighlty cozying up to the idea of my own blog... Viola! Here it is.

So if you are reading this, you are one of the first set of human beings (I hope) to view Ohluwamayowa's Place.

I used to be a reluctant writer but not anymore because with each passing day, I realize the need to embrace my gift or skill as some would call it. In the real sense of it, writing is just putting your thoughts into words ! Quote me.

So without any further ado, I officially welcome you to this space. This is where I would document my thoughts, dreams, experiences, adventures bla bla bla and oh yes ... I would also VENT! (once a while).

I look forward to sharing a lot here andI sincerely hope you will visit from time to time. I also look forward to your comments, constructive ctiticisms, arguments (i looooove arguememnts) and your thoughts in general.

In the famous words..-lyrics of BEA, Let's get it STARTED!!!